A surgery does not only become successful because of the exceptional skills of the surgeon. A surgical team comprises of different medical personnel and each of them has something to contribute to the entire success of the surgery. Each member of the team should be knowledgeable of the roles that they play and must execute the task confidently and accurately to get the job done.
The Captains of the Ship — the Surgeons
They bear the greatest responsibility during surgery. They are the ones who ensure that the operation proceeds smoothly, safely, and without complications. Surgeons give direct orders to their assistants as well as to nursing personnel. They also work hand-in-hand with anesthesiologists to closely monitor the patient’s condition during surgery.
Monitoring the Patient’s Condition
Anesthesiologists, on the other hand, are in charge of maintaining the patient’s heart rate, level of consciousness, respiration, blood pressure, and anesthesia during surgery. They meet with the patient before the procedure to discuss any medication preferences and any history of allergies. Before the patients are brought to the operating room, anesthesiologists are responsible for providing them with medication to control their anxiety.
The Need for Assistance
Nurses are present in the operating room as well. One nurse acts as a scrub nurse and is in charge of instruments during surgery. The other becomes the circulating nurse who retrieves supplies needed by the surgeon on the spot. Medical students can also take part in the operation to perform simple tasks and observe the process.
Medical Device Training in Las Vegas
Of course, future surgical teams have to undergo a lot of training to hone their skills and add to their experience. Our medical device training at SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services can help you gain knowledge and experience in handling the latest technology and be an excellent member of the surgical team. Call us today at (888) 533-6968 or fill out this online contact form for any questions or concerns and to learn more about our medical device training program.