Is Livestreaming the Future of Medical Training?

We Provide Hosted Services For These Courses

Many aspects of our daily lives have evolved as a result of the novel coronavirus. This is true on a personal level as well as a professional level. At SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services, we’ve transitioned as necessary to make sure we continue to provide the services that doctors, first-responders, and other providers rely on to maintain their professional objectives. One way we’ve done that is to pivot towards live streaming as a teaching model. A medical live stream means that we can host surgical training in ways that colleagues and staff can enhance their skills safely without compromising course content. We are proud to head into 2021 with offerings that take us to hometowns, offices, and mobile labs across the country.  


At SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services, we customize training scenarios based on each client’s needs. Our clients choose the setting that is best suited to them, be it a local training lab, a Med Ed Lab facility, or their office. We then host a small surgical lab that includes only a few surgeons. As surgical or medical procedures are performed, they are live-streamed out to an entire team.

Live stream medical training is not a substitute for in-person interactions. They are, however, the best we’ve got at the moment, so we make them as sophisticated as possible. Live streaming is not without its benefits. While sending content out to a live audience, our team also records the training so participants who cannot attend live can watch a replay. While we look forward to a time when in-person trainings can resume, we also understand that many participants remain uncomfortable with live attendance. Using innovative technology, we’ve made it so that participants can receive the same level of training they would otherwise, only with a different delivery method.

Live stream medical training courses are suitable for any group that would arrange in-person trainings. As with all of our previous training models, SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services provides everything that hosts and their attendees need to experience quality content. This includes cameras and audio equipment that has been thoroughly tested and then set up so it is ready for use. We also make the video recording available for posting or other delivery methods so it can be sent out promptly.

Start your new year off right with a scheduled live stream. Contact us at (888) 801-9444 or fill out our contact us form for more information.


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