We’re Staying Current in This Changing Face of Healthcare Training

We Provide Hosted Services For These Courses

Historically, healthcare has been performed in person. Doctors established practices that devoted time to face-to-face contact. They also maintained their skills by attending in-person, live medical trainings. We have been proud to engage with physicians, medical professionals, and first-responders all around the country as a leading medical lab facility. In our current global situation, we see no reason for the importance of diverse medical training to end. This is why we have quickly shifted to a new area of training at SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services: live streaming.


There is not a physician in practice today who has experienced such an unprecedented health crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to rethink medical training, and we believe we’ve done it well. Live streaming is a creative approach to necessary continued education that prevents the spread of illness among our valued medical community. Rather than building mobile facilities for attendees to enter in person, our live streams allow physicians to host various trainings in your office, your hometown, in one of our affiliated facilities, or a hotel setting. Based out of one of these labs, the course is then streamed to trainees watching from their independent offices or from home.


We understand that there is no substitute for face-to-face interactions. The associations with larger groups can enhance the learning experience for many professionals. However, even a pandemic cannot override the necessity that physicians have the most up-to-date skills. At some point, practice will return to normal. We are committed to helping you be ready. Regardless of the restrictions on large gatherings, physicians must have access to medical education. Live streaming provides for that need without the associated risks.

While the feel of live stream trainings may be different, the quality of training is consistent with our in-person events. SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services handles every detail, from setting up the surgery site, to include PPE and other equipment and A/V equipment to providing hosts and trainees with video logistics to create a safe, comfortable environment for all. SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services is known throughout the country for our extensive training courses. Aside from the in-person aspect, nothing is lacking from our live stream events. In addition to managing all relevant arrangements, we also record the training session. The recording is dispersed to all training attendees and can also be used on your practice website or other channels.

Now is a great time to advance your medical practice. Call SMTS – Surgical & Medical Training Services at (888) 801-9444 for more information on our live stream trainings.


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