Surgeons are also Running the Machines

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Has anyone ever wondered about how surgeons are trained? They have to deal with dramatic situations in a very stressful environment, often required to act very fast and with incredible resolution, needing to leave doubts and fears aside in order to effectively safe lives. It might not be like in the movies or TV series, but it is still absolutely crazy.

Medical education is something taken very seriously in every country. The Ebola outbreak worrying the entire world is currently testing medical abilities and preparation all over the United States and Europe, where the sickness is currently spreading. Skilled doctors and surgeons are needed to cope with these sorts of situations.

Medical device training has become a major part of medical education in current times. Nowadays, hospitals own and have at their disposal machines and devices we could have only dreamed of only a few decades ago. Modalities even include therapeutic ultrasounds and neurosurgery.

In present times, many operational procedures that used to be performed in a more rudimental way are currently carried out by the aid of sophisticated machines. Some of us may be surprised to know that even a common appendicitis treatment, one that used to only require a minor incision before the extraction of the appendix (considered to be a rather easy chirurgical operation by most surgeons) is actually performed nowadays by controlling a robot.

This does not mean the process is not complicated anymore. The surgeon will effectively be doing all the work, and it won’t be easy. It could be seen as a very serious and realistic videogame, where the surgeon would need to do the precise movements in order to save the patient, while reducing all possible damage.

Medical training on the use of certain devices is fundamental. It allows doctors to perform very precise and difficult procedures, or detecting organic problems difficult to diagnose otherwise. As the level of sophistication of the machines increases, so does required training.


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